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  • Ami Adler

Fluttering By

Eaton Saddle Trailhead, Altadena - California (6/19/2024)

The Background:

I captured this moment along the Eaton Saddle trail to Mt. Lowe in Altadena, California.  There were several butterflies moving from flower to flower and I really enjoyed just watching the scene.  I loved how the purple flower and the yellow butterfly contrasted with the brown background of the hill.

The Message:

If you have ever tried to take a photo of a butterfly, you can really appreciate the fact that they don’t ever seem to stop – they are in constant movement seeking out the next bud and the next bit of nectar.  We often find ourselves in a similar situation – wherever we are, we constantly believe that what we need is just around the corner.  When we are single, we believe that getting married is the answer.  Once we are married, we think having kids is the secret to unlocking our potential.  When we are frustrated with our jobs, we may believe that finding the perfect job will help everything else fall into place.  There are countless examples of this mindset in our lives.  But deep down, I think we realize that the secret to our happiness is not the “next” thing, it is dealing with ourselves as we are today.  This means both understanding ourselves and our issues as well as appreciating our current situation in life.  Doing this may be the hardest thing there is – but it is truly the only way to find what we are looking for.

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