The Background:
Last week I was really looking forward to doing a sunset hike in Griffith Park. However, as I was about to leave, my youngest wanted dinner and for someone to lay down with him and put him to bed. By the time he was settled it was clear I would miss the sunset, but I decided to head out anyway just to recharge for the week ahead. Although it was almost dark when I arrived at the trail, at the first overlook, I was blessed to have an amazing wildlife encounter. I saw several rabbits, then two coyotes and finally this deer. It was such a surprise to see and capture this scene – in the middle of the city in a popular park in LA - I am sure if I had arrived earlier, as I had intended, I would have completely missed this awesome moment.
The Message:
I heard an idea recently that really resonated with me – G-d never “double-books”. If you had plans to do something, but your children need you or something comes up that derails those plans – that is not a mistake – there was a specific reason it worked out that way. Even when our plans involve a spiritual or holy pursuit – when someone needs us, we need to heed that call (and that is, in fact, our spiritual or holy pursuit in the moment). We may feel that we are missing out on the greater opportunity, but what G-d has in mind is far greater and we will never lose out. What appear to be competing interests are just a way for us to remember what is truly important and what our focus should be. If we can make the right choice at that moment, it will make us better human beings in the long run.