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Ami Adler

Hidden Light

Updated: Mar 3

Peek-A-Boo Slot Canyon – Kanab, Utah (11/26/2018)

The Background:

This photo was taken in Peek-A-Boo slot canyon near Kanab Utah.  This was the first slot canyon that I had visited, and I was completely blown away by the patterns, textures, and colors.  I can sometimes feel overwhelmed when viewing a large landscape – wondering what element of the scene truly moves me and how do I want to capture it.  In a slot canyon, your field of view is dramatically decreased, and you are forced to really focus on the light and the details that make up the scene - it really gets to the heart of what I love about photography.

The Message:

We each have a beautiful light inside of ourselves, but sometimes it can be difficult to bring it out into the open.  In the depths of our souls, we have such great intentions and tremendous potential.  But often, by the time it comes out in our actions it is so much less than what we had hoped for.  It can be watered down, or we can be distracted by various elements outside of ourselves and miss the mark.  This can be disappointing and cause us to doubt whether that fire still burns within us.  What I love about slot canyons is that you can catch a glimpse of this amazing and unique light that can’t really be seen from the outside.  Similarly, even though we may not be able to see our inner light shining forth – we must remind ourselves that it is still there, and we just need to travel a bit deeper to fully appreciate it.  If we put in that work to discover our inner gifts and talents and continue to put in the effort to try and share them with the world, we may find that this hidden light can brighten our lives and the lives of those around us.

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